My career has featured a diverse array of roles spanning multiple countries, and this all-embracing journey speaks to how I want to spend the future; eager to experience, equipped to help.
I’ve managed projects and devised strategies for businesses, non-profit organisations, Government and non-Government organisations with political, cultural, charitable, commercial and artistic focuses in Australia and abroad.
My roles have included producer, director, president, board member, designer, communicator, writer, strategist, cultural delegate, curator, founder and educator.
I enjoy being a multidisciplinary ‘doer’. I’m driven not just by ideas, nor the business of ideas, but the process of building them up into realities made of bricks and mortar (or code).
But for me true satisfaction comes from collaboration. I’ve managed and led teams in various countries and from different cultures, sought out new partnerships and fostered global relationships – all in the name of ensuring the right people are working towards an outcome that benefits real people and communities.